From out of nowhere she speaks. And comes out of the gate swinging with both Ricardo Montalban and Herve Villachez both.
But of course, I will have to respond.
I will see your Fantasy Island, and take the Fantasy out of it.
I will see your talented little person and raise it with one of my own.
For you see, where your quest for reflection took to you to a mysterious island, mine will take you on a journey beyond imagination. Enter the world of…
Yup. From the mind of George Lucas, and maybe the first sign of his approaching madness. From the directorial vision of Richie Cunningham himself, Ron Howard. You've got Val Kilmer, his once-wife Joanne Whaley Kilmer, and the esteemed Warwick Davis.
Yup. The same Warwick Davis who played the Leprechaun in the movie of the same name.
And for the record, Warwick Davis would make Herve Villachez his bitch.

Yeah, that's right Val Kilmer. I said it.
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